Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Ready(or not)....Set....GO!!

Well it has begun! We shopped and prepped at the last minute in true Robinson fashion (if you don't know my family we are a bunch of procrastinators) and let me tell you I wish I was not because as we were zipping around town to pick up our needed produce/meat/spices and so much more I felt very overwhelmed and lost. First off I had NO clue what some of the products on my list were let alone where to buy them. Then it was home to food prep for the first two days. I did this late at night after my two kiddos were fast asleep this made for a late night not only because I started late but because I had to figure out how to use some kitchen appliances I dusted off...like my mini food processor for the salmon salad....let me tell you to be a fly on the wall in my kitchen. Once I finally figured out how to assemble the darn thing I got to work following the directions for the recipe and BAM it got stuck on, could not figure out how to turn the darn thing off but to unplug it from the wall, couldn't get the top of so I am banging it on the counter to try and loosen it whew i did it though and my salmon salad was complete and packed away for lunch yesterday. once I was finished prepping i had it all packed and ready to go for my first day. Overall it went smoothly thank goodness for my daddio who prepared dinner for my mom and I.

First day recipes, I really liked breakfast minus the spinach but i choked it down and this morning I decided to chop it up after I steams it and crumbled my egg muffin apart and mixed the two together which was WAY easier to manage. Lunch was a bit salty for my liking but I think that's because the capers sat in the salad over night. Dinner was great yummy

leftover dinner for lunch today is great also. I am excited to get past the headache stage and start feeling better.

here is a peak at my lunch today. (added mashed sweet potato for my energy modification)

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