Thursday, January 9, 2014

Hanging my foot...Urrac-uh-oh

I had my foot off the wagon this morning, I went through my favorite coffee stand and got a drip coffee with half and half BUT I also got a chocolate chip cookie GASP! I have not eaten it and I will not eat it….after my momentary lapse in self-control I felt extremely guilty so it now sits in my trash can! Whew dodged that bullet. I think it be best if I stayed away from that amazing wonderful coffee shop for the simple fact that I just proved to myself I am not quiet in control just yet J I should have read my support email before I left the house and I probably would have avoided this little bump. OH well moving on….

So I was shocked today was already Thursday…I missed a day in the week somehow (maybe the fogging brain she talked about haha) but anyway things seem to be going good, no more headache for the last few hours which is wonderful because those buggers suck, I am however cranky cranky…which might have to do with the withdrawals and lack of sleep combined. I know this will get better as well, I just have to stick it out.  Overall things are going pretty OK.

I have not had any more fire alarm incidence so that is a plus, but there is always tonight when I meal prep for tomorrow. Who knew you broil with the oven door cracked (not this chick) does that give you a clue into how great I am at cooking J the food the last couple days have been tasty.  Being able to eat left overs for a few meals has been a wonderful help because I feel a tad in over my head…the lack of experience and the amount of other stuff I am supposed to accomplish from the time I get off work until bedtime is astronomical making meal prep a little difficult. This chick does not have a dish washer in our house….well yes I do, its ME so I am constantly trying to keep up on the amount of dishes I have used so they don’t pile up and the bottles…OH the bottles, washing those every night is starting to make my eyes cross. Next year I think I’ll ask Santa for a dishwasher purchased and installed!

Ok onto the Food-The Sausage Patties for breakfast were Delish! I didn’t taste the apple much but they were good and I loved that we made our own spice for them. I really enjoyed the broiled fish Ill cook my fish like this more often, the slight crunch on the top really added a great texture. The mustard Chicken I had for dinner last night was great one also, next time I think I will try with boneless skinless chicken breast just because I am not a big fan of the skin and I wanted to really taste the mustard glaze.

Next up is the veggie hash which I have to make tonight but am pretty excited about it, looks super yummy and not all that advanced for my skills or the lack of I should say. I think what I am enjoying most about this so far is the amount of knowledge I am gathering. I don’t think I would have ever attempted to do things from scratch if it wasn’t for this program. It is amazing what you can avoid putting in your food when you are preparing everything yourself, is sure gives you an idea of what can be avoided by simply completing a recipe from scratch. It really is eye opening the amount of sh*t they put in your food when you are reading the labels! This is enough to make me want to move to the country grow a garden have some livestock and live off the land all by myself…too bad that is a distant distant past! Anyways until next time my friends…

dinner the meal plan but sticks within the guidelines. Baked chicken breast, broiled asparagus(i know now to keep the door cracked hehe) and baked sweet potato for my energy modification. yum!


1 comment:

  1. Good for you! I didn't know about cracking the oven door!!
