Yesterday I learned a very valuable lesson, not that I didn’t
know this already but it sure set it into stone….PREPARATION IS KEY TO SUCCESS!
Now a little back story for you all (which will sound a LOT like an excuse but
rest assured I take full responsibility) My son is 4 ½ months old, slept really
well for the first 4 months of his life only waking once a night to eat quickly
and always went right back to sleep. Well about 3 days before I went back to
work full time he decided it would be fun to wake up every oh 1.5 – 2 hours all
night long and eat every time he woke up needless to say this was a little bit of a shock to my system because he spoiled me so much while I was off work.…SOOO it begins the other night he
actually slept a full 8 hours IN A ROW!!! This was a blessing and a curse for a
few reasons but the most important is that I slept completely through my alarm…I
mean he has been my alarm for two weeks now I completely didn’t hear my actual
alarm when it went off. I woke up a full hour later than I normally do and if
you have children you know that even 5-10 minutes can be detrimental to getting
somewhere on time….because he didn’t wake up to eat 5 times I also had some other
issues that needed taken care of. THIS my friends is where it alllll went
wrong! I did NOT have anything prepared for lunch OR breakfast for the day
because the night before I decided I would just get it ready in the morning…ya
know because I’ll be up and all… well as I rushed to get things done, bottles
put together, dressed, showered, kids dressed and Jackson fed I did not make
time to get meals ready. I had a croissant…BAD BAD BAD! I didn’t think about it,
I didn’t feel guilty it happened so fast. I did however feel so sick after and
if that was not punishment enough I now had to spill the truth to all of you.
Come lunch time though I was back on track and I ate a salad from subway. This made
me feel a little better and instead of just giving up and quitting because I didn’t
stick to the plan exactly for my 21 days like I usually would have I just
decided I would go home and have something ready for breakfast and lunch before
I went to bed.
Now that I spilled my terrible mistake to you all I’ll get
to the food I did eat the last few days that followed the plan….I have been
making the smoothies and they are actually very good! So far I have tried three
of the four recipes in the book and I’ve liked them all, there is one that you
put unsweetened cocoa powder in which gives my brain that small amount of
chocolate it needs to think I just did something I wasn’t supposed too. Monday
for lunch I had left over meat balls and boc choy slaw..which was something
that was really great. I will make them again and again because it was not only
super easy but it tasted good! Jared wanted to try a meat ball and I wouldn’t let
him because he chose to eat dinner and his mom and dads this, may be evil but I’ll
make them again and he can eat with me next time hehe and that way I had lunch
leftovers. For dinner my dad made my mom and I shrimp pad Thai, something I would
NEVER consider even trying because of the shrimp but because my dad sent some
along for me I decided to put my big girl pants on and eat it…and I’m glad I did
it was yummy and I even ate all my shrimp! Of course you know I didn’t eat
breakfast and for lunch yesterday I had a salad from subway that had meat on it
and various veggies no salad dressing, But for dinner again I didn’t have
anything ready I so called my daddio and he made us all chicken. It was really
good along with the dressing he home made from the book. I have and will
continue to beg them to go to storage and get their stash of mason jars so I can
have some jars to put my homemade stuff in…salad dressing, mayo etc. and because
today I am back on track I had scrambled eggs for breakfast with spinach
chopped up in it and an avocado. YUM YUM!
I saw something on a friends Facebook, that said to get rid
of the word “DIET” from your vocabulary and that is just so true especially with
having a beautiful little girl in my home, I have never been positive about my
post baby body (not that I openly bash myself or anything in her ear shot) but its
so important to teach good eating habits and the importance that we don’t live
to eat we but eat to live…fuel for our bodies! If we treat our bodies right they
will be good to us. And on that note I vow to try my hardest to never “DIET”
again but to continue my journey towards eating healthy and clean for the sake
of my children, Hubby and of course myself.