1.God, because without him I wouldn't have anything to be thankful for
2. My kids, who although suffer from minor colds are healthy and happy
3. My Momma and Daddy, they are by far my biggest supporters in anything and everything I do no matter what!
4. My job
5.The roof over my head that my job allows me to afford
6. My relatively good health (although improvements needed)
7.Music- because no matter what my mood I can escape into the song and enjoy it
8. my mom (although already listed) she is my best friend, I never thought id have the relationship with her I do and I am so grateful for it.
9.Books, much like music it is one thing I have always enjoyed.
10.coffee, because lets face it I couldn't make it through a rough day without it.
11.The holidays-because it re-ignites this special hope, joy, love and unity. I look forward to the holiday season for many reasons but mostly the family time and the music and the feeling I get thinking about the joy of it all
12. my beautiful friends and good people I have around me
13. my hubs of course
there are so so much more I could list but Ill leave it at that :) now here is a super cute picture of my kiddos