Sunday, November 23, 2014

My one big thankful post

After the longest week of my life, or so it felt....I am finally feeling like I need to take a step back and remember what I am thankful for because all I have been doing is complaining about my sick children, sleepless nights and much more. Long whiny story short Jackson got a virus we ended up at st peters for blood draw (most horrific experience to date) he was dehydrated and lets just say it wasn't easy to get blood. Then Hailey got a fever Thursday, all after still getting over whatever I had .... OY VEY I'm complaining again. All of this makes me feel bad because I really do have a TON to be thankful for sooo instead of making a thankful post everyday on my status update I thought I would just write them down here.

1.God, because without him I wouldn't have anything to be thankful for
2. My kids, who although suffer from minor colds are healthy and happy
3. My Momma and Daddy, they are by far my biggest supporters in anything and everything I do no matter what!
4. My job
5.The roof over my head that my job allows me to afford
6. My relatively good health (although improvements needed)
7.Music- because no matter what my mood I can escape into the song and enjoy it
8. my mom (although already listed) she is my best friend, I never thought id have the relationship with her I do and I am so grateful for it.
9.Books, much like music it is one thing I have always enjoyed., because lets face it I couldn't make it through a rough day without it.
11.The holidays-because it re-ignites this special hope, joy, love and unity. I look forward to the holiday season for many reasons but mostly the family time and the music and the feeling I get thinking about the joy of it all
12. my beautiful friends and good people I have around me
13. my hubs of course
there are so so much more I could list but Ill leave it at that :) now here is a super cute picture of my kiddos

 Until next time my friends.....

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Wanna-be country girl stuck with limits....the City limits

I have been dreaming for a long time now of a home on some land in the country to live a more natural life style, where life is simple and easy going.... I have some amazing people in my life that whether they know it or not have had a huge impact on my desire for this type of life. I look up to them and find myself wishing I had the guts to just drop the crazy and live this way right this second. To be a better person to our environment and live a more simple life. I am fully aware that this life style doesn't mean everything is easy but I have been feeling "lost in the hustle" lately and very unsatisfied with life because we have been so busy constantly having something to do or somewhere to be. I would much rather live a life that is a little less fast paced and surrounded by love and learning spending time at home. I spend a lot of one on one time with my babies which I would not give up for anything but I want them to learn to "live off the land" and loosen the grasp our generation has on technology.... not to an extreme but our world is littered with such unhealthy habits that I have a natural instinct to protect them from it. I know I know practice what you preach! but I am getting there....I sometimes feel like I may be failing at being a great mom because I'm not cooking at home on a regular basis, I spend way to much time on my phone/ipad/computer... we are rarely home during the summer and its a constant catch up game when it comes to house hold chores. I know life must go on and I am honestly not complaining about it but sometimes I wish I wasn't so exhausted from life that I had the desire to keep up on those 98093209 loads of laundry haha I know now what my parents meant when they said I cant wait for you to have children :) it is something I completely understand now. Growing up we lived the constantly on the go lifestyle my parents were amazing to us as kids and raised us so well that I am constantly feeling like I have to thank them for something!

Lately I think I have been missing a huge chunk of my heart and it is because I want a huge chunk or maybe 5-10 acres of land to build a home on that has a garden, chickens, maybe even a few cows....for those of you I grew up with YES I just said cows! haha

My parents did dabble in the gardening world for a while and we had awesome fresh canned veggies and some of my most favorite memories are going out to the valley to tend to the for me that meant eating all the green beans and snap peas while my parents weeded and watered and harvested what was left after us kids had gone through the garden haha but those are the best memories, some that I would love for my kiddos to have.

How cool would it be to have a huge garden like this! yes lots of work but think of the yummy goodness that would come out of it! Letting the kids go out and pick the beans of the stock or pull the carrots out of the ground? I think its cool so I am sure the kids would LOVE it! The therapy to get lost in a place like this would be so amazing! Not to mention the health benefits from eating fresh food.

I want chickens....have you ever gone a length of time eating fresh eggs and then tried to eat a store bought egg! YUCK. Fresh eggs not only come in awesome colors but they taste so so so much better! My dream is to have a large enough place to let them free range and coop up at night and someday I will have it! I just wish I could get a few in my back yard now...three is allowed and I don't see why not! We don't see eye to eye in our home though :) someday ill win the battle!
There is just something so peaceful about open spaces! Fields and forest as far as you can see....I relax just thinking about having tea on the deck in the morning or sitting it he dark listening to the night. No street lights to block your view of the stars and no road noise to drown out the frogs and crickets.                                                      
Now I do realize life is not always perfect and the main problem most of us have is we are to busy thinking we don't have the life we wanted to really enjoy the life we live. But I also strongly believe that if you don't make yourself happy most often you will be forgotten because the only person who can truly make what you want happen is you. Fight for what you want and don't give up on the dreams you have because one day god will lead you to the dreams you may not even know you have yet! Life doesn't always turn out the way you want it to but it always turns out the way it is supposed too.
until next time my friends

Monday, September 22, 2014

latest photo session - credit thrill of the chase photography

We love love love Thrill of the Chase photography and this is our second photo session with them. I can honestly say I am not sure I will ever be able to go to sears again haha. enjoy a few on my favorites....and it was not easy to pick!!


Friday, September 19, 2014

Tooth be gone!

It was a big day in the Schuffenhauer house today! Our Hailey Bug lost her very first tooth today! how excited does she look!

Monday, September 1, 2014

Jackson turns one!

Today we had all our family together to celebrate our cute baby boy turning one (his actual birthday was Saturday) I am so thankful to have the family I do! It was a great day even though we had a few ups and are a few pictures of before and after the blow out (you know what I mean) and ps I called it too!! We splurged and got him a super cute custom onsie for him to wear and it only lasted a half hour ...maybe haha. Enjoy the pictures!.....there is a LOT

Pancakes for breakfast before the party!!

Hailey posing under the banner :)

The official bday outfit

It was not easy getting a "smiley" picture...

The "smash" cake a little spendy and I was a tad sad but it taste super good

Its my birthday whoot!

Run Run Run

FAAASSTT!! and Faceplant! lol

this is the only semi smiley shot I got on my own

The boys

Jackson ready for some latter ball


Uncle Nick and Gio

"great" aunt Terri and Jackson

hhhmmm I wonder if I can get something off her plate without her noticing.....She noticed lol

Ok seriously I was so desperate to get a good picture of him in his outfit we bribed him...this was a perfect shot haha

and the faces this kid makes.....

This was the turning point of the evening....and I called it! damn it


climbing gets a better view I guess

OMG I cant believe it lol


Thank you to family for coming out to help us make this a great day.